Clinical fMRI: Crowd sourcing paradigms and evidence

Clinical fMRI is a vital tool for surgical planning in epilepsy, but its exact form varies markedly between centers.

We are seeking to understand how the range of paradigms in use relates to language outcomes after surgery and are surveying epilepsy programs to this end.  The survey officially closed on the morning of December 4 2015, though given ongoing interest we are still accepting responses from individuals who did not see our preliminary data at AES’ Neuropsychology SIG.

Based on the generosity of responding sites, from 2016 this website will warehouse:

  1. Paradigms currently in use (programs for download);
  2. Related fMRI sequence parameters;
  3. Analysis procedures used (software, preprocessing etc.)
  4. Evidence in support of these (peer-reviewed publications using these).

And, depending on interest, link you to the researchers with expertise in these.

This site will be active by mid-2016.

If you would like to be notified when it goes live, or contribute a paradigm or other information, please–let us know here.